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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Does Colour affect us more than we realise?

To start to answer this question, lets first look at what colour is. Colour is light and light is electromagnetic energy that is produced by the Sun in different wavelengths. When light waves bounce off objects into our eye, they create the sensation of light. Everything we view is reflected by light. Weather its low frequency light waves or high, the brain registers or translate this as colour.

There is a wonderful way of testing this process, I am going to highlight how and you can do this little experiment at home.

To prove that we see reflected light.

-Paint the inside of a cardboard shoe box a matt black. Then make a hole at the end of each of the shoe box, one on each end, just large enough to fit a toilet roll tube into. Now insert the toilet paper roll tubes into the holes you have created and make sure that they are inserted at least 5cm into the box, but are protruding out of the box on either side. Now seal the box tightly by filling it with wet toilet paper to make the box as dark as possible. Cut a small people at the top of the shoe box - as tiny as possible.

Grab a torch or flashlight and shine the light through the toilet paper tubes and hold a piece of paper near the other end where the other tube has been placed. Can you see the light shine through? As you shining the torch through the tubes peep through the tiny peephole you have created on the top of the shoe box. What can you see? You will notice that the inside is completely dark, even though the light is passing through and being reflected on the paper on the other side.

Now if your a smoker then this is the really cool part, and if you're not then get a smoker to blow smoke into the box through the one end and while shining the torch through the tubes. You will notice a beam of light passing through the smoke. This is because the light is now being reflected off the particles of smoke.

This little experiment will prove that we see reflected light which our brains translate into colour. 

Lighter objects reflect more light making them appear more crisper while darker objects absorb more light making them appear darker. Light waves also change speed when they are reflected from one object to another for example light travels faster in air and slower through water.

Colour is a property of light, and when light is broken down and reflected and absorbed by different waves lengths we end up with different colours. So now I guess you asking but how does colour affect us?

Its really simple the different frequencies of light or colour will affect different energies of the body. To truly begin to understand this we must begin to see ourselves as energy beings. Everything in Life is formed by vibration and its this vibration that is the result of the movement of the electrons and protons of every atom in every molecule of every substance in the universe.

The human body is comprised of many energy fields and its these energy fields that surround and emanate our bodies to perform various functions. Some energy fields are elements like light or colour, electricity and heat. Sound and magnetism and electromagnetism all play vital roles in our energy fields. So it would be safe to say that adding or taking any of the elements away from your vibrational body will result in your pattern being alerted. Which could be good or bad for your vibrational body.

In the same way we use these elements, so colour can play a huge part in healing yourself and your body. Vibrational remedies are subtle energy stimuli which allow energy to interact with your own energy and can be very beneficial for people who are suffering physical pain or even heart ache or are looking for a way to heal a specific emotion. By providing the correct focus of energy to the problem area, we can temporarily restore the balance to the area. Once the area has this balance restored only then can we more effectively rid ourselves of the toxins it has caused.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be writing about How you can use Colour to heal your body and others. So make sure that you get the full story by following my blog.

Chat again next week. Cheers Lucille 

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