Allowing a negative cyclical event to control your future makes you a victim. You had to go through all that you did to be YOU.
Have you ever felt tired with hardship and asked yourself the question over and over again. WHY ME, WHY NOW? Well don't feel alone, because let me tell you that 99.9% of us do. In order for us to become more aware and find our paths we need to be aware, and by allowing ourselves the space to weep and come to terms with what or who we are it is so important to do exactly this.
Give yourself the permission to feel - BUT don't become a VICTIM to the feelings. Work through each and every emotion. Feel the feeling and set each free.
Simply remember this You are not what you’ve done or what you’ve been. You are not what others have taught you, or what has been done to you, You are a powerful being who has the power to change and grow from each lesson.
You cannot change your past, but you can change your response to it each uncomfortable situation, just by being aware of the lesson.
All we truly have is now - today! The past is gone, and the future has yet to arrive. Living in either the past or future causes you to lose the power of the now. Now is when you can make a difference in your life, not the past or future, by simply choosing to work through the now emotion, will lay out the road to what you need to HEAL. Only once you have looked at the emotion and have worked through the lesson can you truly free yourself and start living in the now.
NOW is the place to plant seeds for tomorrow’s Success and begin making step by step plans to not make the same mistakes of today. Concern yourself only with those things you know you can change and begin making a list of all the things you want to change for the better. Don't blame, Don't dishonor another because of your choices, begin living in total awareness and begin living for the NOW.
Because the more you work on yourself and take accountability of your life the more you will begin to see how all The pain, crying and disappointment doesn’t matter.
Use affirmations that are positive statements about yourself and your world. These are excellent for pushing the negative into the past. Use them as often as you can, as much as possible. If you must use labels, then use only positive ones from this point on and well into your future.
NOW is the place to plant seeds for tomorrow’s Success
When you’re in a state of doing only for yourself, you are off your purpose. When you freely give only to help others without concern for what you’ll receive in return, then the universe gives back to you in greater amounts. Begin to attract what you give, what’s inside of you. If you give love, respect and empowerment, the universe returns what you radiate sevenfold. Attach your emotion to helping others, and your success will chase after you.
Be the Success You Desire.
Lucille Divine is a SEO expert and a Life Journey counselor who is helping young Woman to reach their potential in life. If you would like me to talk at your school or college on Owning your Brand, then send me an email now:
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