The Colour Wheel |
Colour can be stimulating or depressing, it can also be constructive or destructive and can repelled or attract. However when used correctly colour can heal and balance the body, mind and soul allowing you to tap into deeper levels of consciousness.
Colour is divided into three categories namely primary colours consisting of Red, Yellow and Blue. Mixing a certain combination of these primary colours together in certain quantities will form the second tear of colour called Secondary colours. Secondary colours consist of Orange, Green, and Violet.
Tertiary Colours are formed by combining primary colour with secondary colours which form a new pallet. Learning about colour and how to use it to heal your body or others is very beneficial in today’s fast packed and stress out world.
Each person carries there own unique colour combination, but some experimentation is necessary to find the colour or combination of shades that are most beneficial for you. So let’s take a look at how working with colours can heal you. First you must begin to understand the individual properties of each colour and second you must learn specific techniques to project and absorb these colours. You must become more colour sensitive and open your mind to new gained knowledge. The more knowledgeable you become the easier you will fin it to balance and heal using them.
What is the Meaning of Colour?
We have already discussed how important colour is in our lives and what function these colours can play in our daily lives. So I have complied a list of colour descriptions that will help you decided which colour to use when using colour to heal.
The colour white contains the entire light spectrum. This colour is strengthening and very cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system of the body. It can also awaken great creativity. White light is the best to sit under especially if your heart is holding onto sad emotions because it will stabilize your energy system and boost your system. It also can be used as an amplifier for other colours.
Black also contains the entire colour spectrum, often a colour shrouded in confusion. Black is a protective colour and it can be used to ground and calm extremely sensitive people. Believe it or not but Black is a representative of the female womb which influenced the magnetic energies that pull the body, strengthening them. It should be used sparingly though as too much of this colour will cause depression or aggravate emotional mental conditions in any person. Black and White are very balancing to use in healing the body this can be used especially when a person is experiencing loss of control of themselves. Its activates a level or balanced subconscious when used together in equal parts to each other.
Red is a stimulating colour, and can energies the base chakra. The colour red is often associated with awakening our physical life force and can be used to heal colds, poor circulation and mucus aliments within the body. Red can strengthen the physical energy and will of a person and is often associated with emotions of passion, sex or lust and love. Funny enough red also invites courage or hatred and revenge emotions so use this colour wisely because too much of the colour red can over stimulate and aggravate conditions too. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, remember that you have too much red energy in your system – CUT DOWN ON RED MEAT. The colour Red can also be use dot raise the body’s temperature and energies the blood flow.
The second Chakra also holds this colour which brings joy and wisdom. The colour Orange stimulates feelings of sociability and is tied to our emotional health and muscular system of the body. Using too much Orange can affect the nerves system and should be balanced with shades of green-blues. The spleen, pancreases, stomach, intestines and adrenals are all influenced by the colour orange, so it goes without saying that using the colour orange can be beneficial for healing all these areas. People, who are prone to or are experiencing emotional paralysis or depression, can use this colour to heal.
Yellow affects the solar plexus chakra area and is known to stimulate mental mind. Yellow can also help with depression and helps to re-awaken an enthusiasm or zest for life. Use this to gain more confidence and optimism and use yellow to help digestion problems. When combined with golden yellow shades this colour can heal body and mind.
Is found at the heart chakra and when used in healing can balance energies and increase our sensitivity to compassion. It holds a calming effect especially for inflamed conditions of the body. When the nervous system is aggravated make sure that you use the colour Green to sooth the nervous system. The spectrums of brighter green which carry blue hues are powerful in healing most conditions. Green can be worn when you want to meet new people because it awakens greater friendliness, hope, faith and peace. Green has restful qualities and revitalizing to over-taxed mental conditions. Cardiac conditions like high blood pressure, ulcers, exhaustion and headaches. But NOTE: never uses the colour green in any form when dealing with cancerous or timorous conditions or any malignant grow – because the colour Green stimulates the growth.
Blue rests within the throat area of the chakra system and is a very cooling colour that helps with relaxation quieting to our energies. This colour also has antiseptic effects and helps balancing to the respiratory system. Great for high blood pressure and all conditions of the throat area. Very effective in easing childhood diseases like asthma, chicken pox, jaundice and rheumatism. Blue is a wonderful healing colour for all children. Blue can also awaken intuition and has been known to ease loneliness.
Indigo and all deeper shades of blue are dynamic healing colours on both spiritual and physical levels. The colour of Indigo activates the head or brow chakra of the body. Our lymph system, the glands and our immune system of the body will strengthen each of the areas of the body. Indigo is also a wonderful blood purifier and can assist in detoxifying the body. All facial conditions can be treaded with this colour including the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and sinuses. Use this colour when you are meditating to achieve deeper levels of consciousness, which will awaken levels of devotion and intuition. Use this with anyone who has a problem with the lungs, however too much of this colour can also cause depression and a sense of separateness from others.
Violet affects the skeletal system of the body, the bones. The colour itself has a cleansing and purifying on most physical and spiritual issues can be balanced by this colour. Violet is a great colour to use with people who have cancerous conditions in the body. Arthritis suffers can use the colour violet in its lighter shades, and can also strengthen to assimilate the use of minerals within the body. Violet can stimulate inspiration and humility as well as dream activity.
Compassion, love and purity are the colour Pink! It eases conditions of anger and feelings of neglect. This colour stimulates the thymus gland and the immune system of the body. This colour is one of the more comforting to the emotional energies of any person.
Strong and vitalizing this colour stimulates the brain. Because it also holds shades of green, it works as a cleanser too. Lemon assists in bringing toxins to the surface so they can be cleaned out thoroughly. Wonderful for healing tissue and bone structure.
Gold is a powerful stimulates the immune system of the body. It helps to awaken the individuals own healing energies. Used to awaken enthusiasm and your bodies own healing qualities which assists with the body in restoring homeostasis.
Very antiseptic and helps the body assimilate oxygen. This colour can also help and assist with clearing foggy minds and aid negative physical conditions that affect the brain.
Aqua is a wonderful colour to use in easing feverish conditions and balancing of the systems of the body, this cooling colour and ease inflammations in the body.
Also known as a cooling system, which combines the beneficial effect of blue and green. This colour is used to vitalizing the system and purifying the body too. This healing colour can also assist with skin conditions and is very effective with helping with acute pain and earaches.
This colour is a purifying antidote to the body system, but because of its high vibration it should only be used very sparingly. Too much purple can create or aggravate depression. Use this colour for headaches while the red-purple range is very beneficial for balancing polarities. The blue purple range can often be used to effectively shrink things like tumors and cool the skin, easing inflammation quickly.
Silver and some grays can be used to amplify the effects of other colours, much in the manner of white. Silver is effective in meditations used to discord the metaphysical source of an illness of disease or dis-ease. Unless you discover the source, the likelihood of its reoccurrence is high. Used to also aid creative imagination and activates innate intuition.
Brown can also be used in healing and can be extremely effective with emotional and mental conditions. This colour can also awaken common sense and discrimation. It helps to ground people effectively.
The list of colours is a guideline, with a list of suggestions when and where to use these colours. However if you feel that the colour does not agree with you, then do not use it because you can harm as well as heal with these colours.
Next week we will investigate how you can use colour to heal certain aliments. Colour therapy is not designed to replace traditional medicine, but rather it is a way to provide a means by which you can participate more personally in your own healing process. Develop you own system when using colour to heal, find out what works for you because you may need to apply different colour with different intensities.
Use colour to enhance your life and live a healed life filled with everything you want.
Lucille Divine